Concatenates two TextReaders together.
Concatenates two TextReaders together.
Closes the input.
Closes the input.
Returns the current column number in the reader (1-based).
Returns the current column number in the reader (1-based).
Throws a TextReaderException at the current line and column.
Throws a TextReaderException at the current line and column.
Expect the given literal, throwing an exception on mismatch.
Expect the given literal, throwing an exception on mismatch.
Expect the given literal, throwing an exception on mismatch.
Expect the given literal, throwing an exception on mismatch.
Expect the given literal (after lowercasing).
Expect the given literal (after lowercasing).
Expect the given literal (after lowercasing).
Expect the given literal (after lowercasing).
Returns true if there are no more characters left to consume.
Returns true if there are no more characters left to consume.
Returns the current line number in the reader (1-based).
Returns the current line number in the reader (1-based).
Peeks at the character at offset n.
Peeks at the character at offset n. With n == 0 is the same as peek(). This method might not be implemented for all n>0 in all TextReader implementations, in which case it will throw an IllegalArgumentException.
Peeks at the next unicode code point without consuming it, or -1 if the end of input.
Peeks at the next unicode code point without consuming it, or -1 if the end of input.
Returns the next unicode code point to be read, or -1 if the end of input.
Returns the next unicode code point to be read, or -1 if the end of input.
Reads up to numChars characters from the input, or fewer if at the end of input.
Reads up to numChars characters from the input, or fewer if at the end of input.
Reads the next line from the input.
Reads the next line from the input. Does not return the newline, which is left in the stream. Returns null if there are no more lines.
Reads and returns a newline character at the current position.
Reads and returns a newline character at the current position. Throws an exception if a newline does not follow.
Read a sequence of character consisting of the digits '0' to '9'.
Read a sequence of character consisting of the digits '0' to '9'. Returns null if there are no more characters.
Returns the rest of the characters in the input as a String.
Returns the rest of the characters in the input as a String.
Consumes the characters from input while available and while the predicate matches.
Consumes the characters from input while available and while the predicate matches. Returns null if there are no more characters.
Skips characters while the given predicate is true.
Skips characters while the given predicate is true.
Skips whitespace characters.
Skips whitespace characters.
A TextReader that reads from a File.