

package models

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AnchoredRuleApproximator[L, W] extends EPProjector[L, W] with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 1 )
  2. case class AnnotatedParserInference[L, W](featurizer: RefinedFeaturizer[L, W, Feature], annotator: (BinarizedTree[L], IndexedSeq[W]) ⇒ BinarizedTree[(L, Int)], grammar: Grammar[L, W], constrainer: Factory[L, W]) extends ParserInference[L, W] with Product with Serializable

    Parser inference for parses that have only observed annotations.

  3. class DotProductGrammar[L, L2, W, Feature] extends Grammar[L, W]

  4. case class EPParams(maxIterations: Int = 5, pruningThreshold: Double = -15, dropOutFraction: Double = 0.0) extends Product with Serializable

  5. class EPParserModel[L, W] extends EPModel[TreeInstance[L, W], UnrefinedGrammarAnchoring[L, W]] with ParserExtractable[L, W] with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 1L )
  6. case class EPParserModelFactory(ep: EPParams, model: Seq[CompatibleFactory], oldWeights: File = null) extends ParserExtractableModelFactory[AnnotatedLabel, String] with Product with Serializable

  7. trait EPProjector[L, W] extends AnyRef

  8. case class ExtraParams(useHackyLexicalFeatures: Boolean = false, hackyLexicalFeatureDesc: String = "", useMorph: Boolean = false, pathsToMorph: String = "") extends Product with Serializable

  9. class FeaturizedLexicon[L, L2, W] extends TagScorer[L2, W]

  10. class IndexedFeaturizer[L, L2, W] extends RefinedFeaturizer[L, W, Feature] with Encoder[Feature] with Serializable

    epic.parser.models.IndexedFeaturizer are featurizers for "normal" unanchored grammars.

  11. class IndexedLexFeaturizer[L, L2, W] extends RefinedFeaturizer[L, W, Feature] with Serializable

    Indexes and caches features for more efficient access.

  12. case class IndexedSpanFeaturizer[L, L2, W](wordFeatureIndex: CrossProductIndex[Feature, Feature], spanFeatureIndex: CrossProductIndex[Feature, Feature], ruleAndSpansFeatureIndex: Index[Feature], labelFeaturizer: RefinedFeaturizer[L, W, Feature], wordFeaturizer: IndexedWordFeaturizer[W], surfaceFeaturizer: IndexedSplitSpanFeaturizer[W], ruleAndSpansFeaturizer: RuleAndSpansFeaturizer[W], refinements: GrammarRefinements[L, L2], grammar: RuleTopology[L]) extends RefinedFeaturizer[L, W, Feature] with Serializable with Product

    @SerialVersionUID( 1L )
  13. case class LatentModelFactory(annotator: TreeAnnotator[AnnotatedLabel, String, AnnotatedLabel] = ..., substates: File = null, splitUselessStates: Boolean = false, numStates: Int = 2, oldWeights: File = null) extends ParserModelFactory[AnnotatedLabel, String] with SafeLogging with Product with Serializable

    Model for latent annotated grammars (Petrov and Klein, 2008).

  14. case class LatentParserInference[L, L2, W](featurizer: RefinedFeaturizer[L, W, Feature], annotator: (BinarizedTree[L], IndexedSeq[W]) ⇒ BinarizedTree[IndexedSeq[L2]], grammar: Grammar[L, W], constrainer: Factory[L, W], projections: GrammarRefinements[L, L2]) extends ParserInference[L, W] with Product with Serializable

  15. class LatentParserModel[L, L3, W] extends ParserModel[L, W]

  16. case class LatentSpanModelFactory(inner: SpanModelFactory, substates: File = null, splitUselessStates: Boolean = false, numStates: Int = 2) extends ParserModelFactory[AnnotatedLabel, String] with LazyLogging with Product with Serializable

  17. final class LexGrammar[L, L2, W] extends Grammar[L, W]

  18. case class LexGrammarBundle[L, L2, W](topology: RuleTopology[L], baseLexicon: Lexicon[L, W], refinedGrammar: RuleTopology[L2], headFinder: HeadFinder[L]) extends Product with Serializable

  19. class LexModel[L, L2, W] extends ParserModel[L, W] with Serializable with ParserExtractable[L, W]

  20. case class LexModelFactory(annotator: TreeAnnotator[AnnotatedLabel, String, AnnotatedLabel] = ..., oldWeights: File = null, dummyFeats: Double = 1.0, minFeatCutoff: Int = 1, useSpanFeatures: Boolean = false, useBilexRuleFeatures: Boolean = true) extends ParserModelFactory[AnnotatedLabel, String] with SafeLogging with Product with Serializable

  21. case class NeuralInference[L, L2, W](baseInference: LatentParserInference[L, L2, W], labelFeaturizer: RefinedFeaturizer[L, W, Feature], surfaceFeaturizer: IndexedSplitSpanFeaturizer[W], lastLayerWeights: DenseMatrix[Double], layer: Layer) extends ParserInference[L, W] with Product with Serializable

  22. class NeuralModel[L, L2, W] extends Model[TreeInstance[L, W]] with ParserExtractable[L, W]

    The neural model is really just a

  23. case class NeuralModelFactory(annotator: TreeAnnotator[AnnotatedLabel, String, AnnotatedLabel] = ..., oldWeights: File = null, dummyFeats: Double = 0.0, numOutputs: Int = 100, numHidden: Int = 100, useIdentitySurfaceFeatures: Boolean = false) extends ParserExtractableModelFactory[AnnotatedLabel, String] with Product with Serializable

  24. trait ParserExtractable[L, W] extends AnyRef

  25. trait ParserExtractableModelFactory[L, W] extends AnyRef

  26. trait ParserInference[L, W] extends ProjectableInference[TreeInstance[L, W], UnrefinedGrammarAnchoring[L, W]]

  27. trait ParserModel[L, W] extends Model[TreeInstance[L, W]] with ParserExtractable[L, W]

    Base trait for "normal" Parser-type models

  28. trait ParserModelFactory[L, W] extends ParserExtractableModelFactory[L, W]

  29. case class ProductParserModelFactory(annotator: TreeAnnotator[AnnotatedLabel, String, AnnotatedLabel] = ..., substates: File = null, numStates: Int = 2, numModels: Int = 2, oldWeights: File = null, splitFactor: Int = 1) extends ParserModelFactory[AnnotatedLabel, String] with SafeLogging with Product with Serializable

  30. class SpanModel[L, L2, W] extends ParserModel[L, W] with Serializable

    A rather more sophisticated discriminative parser.

  31. case class SpanModelFactory(annotator: TreeAnnotator[AnnotatedLabel, String, AnnotatedLabel] = ..., oldWeights: File = null, dummyFeats: Double = 0.5, commonWordThreshold: Int = 100, ngramCountThreshold: Int = 5, useShape: Boolean = true, useRichSpanContext: Boolean = false, numSpanContextWords: Int = 1, useNGrams: Boolean = false, maxNGramOrder: Int = 2, useGrammar: Boolean = true, useTagSpanShape: Boolean = false, useFullShape: Boolean = false, useSplitShape: Boolean = false, posFeaturizer: Optional[WordFeaturizer[String]] = epic.util.NotProvided, spanFeaturizer: Optional[SplitSpanFeaturizer[String]] = epic.util.NotProvided, extraParams: ExtraParams = ...) extends ParserModelFactory[AnnotatedLabel, String] with Product with Serializable

  32. class StructModel[L, L2, W] extends ParserModel[L, W] with Serializable

    Model for structural annotations, a la Klein and Manning 2003.

  33. case class StructModelFactory(annotator: TreeAnnotator[AnnotatedLabel, String, AnnotatedLabel] = ..., oldWeights: File = null, annotatedTreesDumpPath: File = null) extends ParserModelFactory[AnnotatedLabel, String] with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object EPParserModelFactory extends Serializable

  2. object FeaturizedGrammar

  3. object IndexedFeaturizer extends Serializable

  4. object IndexedLexFeaturizer extends LazyLogging with Serializable

  5. object IndexedSpanFeaturizer extends Serializable

  6. object LatentModelFactory extends Serializable

  7. object NeuralModel

  8. object ParserTrainer extends ParserPipeline with LazyLogging

    The main entry point for training discriminative parsers.

  9. object SpanModelFactory extends Serializable

  10. object Suffixes extends LazyLogging
