Type Members
case class
EPParams(maxIterations: Int = 5, pruningThreshold: Double = -15, dropOutFraction: Double = 0.0) extends Product with Serializable
EPProjector[L, W] extends AnyRef
case class
ExtraParams(useHackyLexicalFeatures: Boolean = false, hackyLexicalFeatureDesc: String = "", useMorph: Boolean = false, pathsToMorph: String = "") extends Product with Serializable
case class
LatentSpanModelFactory(inner: SpanModelFactory, substates: File = null, splitUselessStates: Boolean = false, numStates: Int = 2) extends ParserModelFactory[AnnotatedLabel, String] with LazyLogging with Product with Serializable
LexGrammar[L, L2, W] extends Grammar[L, W]
case class
LexGrammarBundle[L, L2, W](topology: RuleTopology[L], baseLexicon: Lexicon[L, W], refinedGrammar: RuleTopology[L2], headFinder: HeadFinder[L]) extends Product with Serializable
case class
LexModelFactory(annotator: TreeAnnotator[AnnotatedLabel, String, AnnotatedLabel] = ..., oldWeights: File = null, dummyFeats: Double = 1.0, minFeatCutoff: Int = 1, useSpanFeatures: Boolean = false, useBilexRuleFeatures: Boolean = true) extends ParserModelFactory[AnnotatedLabel, String] with SafeLogging with Product with Serializable
case class
NeuralModelFactory(annotator: TreeAnnotator[AnnotatedLabel, String, AnnotatedLabel] = ..., oldWeights: File = null, dummyFeats: Double = 0.0, numOutputs: Int = 100, numHidden: Int = 100, useIdentitySurfaceFeatures: Boolean = false) extends ParserExtractableModelFactory[AnnotatedLabel, String] with Product with Serializable
SpanModel[L, L2, W] extends ParserModel[L, W] with Serializable
case class
SpanModelFactory(annotator: TreeAnnotator[AnnotatedLabel, String, AnnotatedLabel] = ..., oldWeights: File = null, dummyFeats: Double = 0.5, commonWordThreshold: Int = 100, ngramCountThreshold: Int = 5, useShape: Boolean = true, useRichSpanContext: Boolean = false, numSpanContextWords: Int = 1, useNGrams: Boolean = false, maxNGramOrder: Int = 2, useGrammar: Boolean = true, useTagSpanShape: Boolean = false, useFullShape: Boolean = false, useSplitShape: Boolean = false, posFeaturizer: Optional[WordFeaturizer[String]] = epic.util.NotProvided, spanFeaturizer: Optional[SplitSpanFeaturizer[String]] = epic.util.NotProvided, extraParams: ExtraParams = ...) extends ParserModelFactory[AnnotatedLabel, String] with Product with Serializable
StructModel[L, L2, W] extends ParserModel[L, W] with Serializable