
For general discussion and questions about ScalaNLP, please use the ScalaNLP discussion group on Google Groups.


You can ask questions by posting to our Google group at:

You can also ask questions on StackOverflow using the scala-breeze tag.

For filing bugs, please use the issue tracker here:

To contact David Hall directly, you can contact him at the email address listed here: (You can also take the “dlwh” and then a  “@”, and finally a


For filing bugs, please use the issue tracker here:

You can also email David Hall directly.


Puck should work on many platforms, but we have only done serious testing on Nvidia GTX 680, GTX 780, and Tesla K40. It is not optimized for other platforms in the least.

For filing bugs, please use the issue tracker here:

Again, you can also just email David Hall directly.

Fork me on GitHub